Thursday, August 23, 2007

Great! Now that I know non-American residents are reading this ...

... I guess I will continue to blog. (Little add for my cousin Aaron with a great blog ... ... who resides in Canada//also for David who is a friend of Fletch's from Australia//and Lalayena who also is a friend of Fletch's from Australia). Thanks for the comments friends. AMERICAN RESIDENTS ... GET ON THE BALL. ;)

Hmmm ... what can I write about today? It is FINALLY cooling off in our neck of woods. It's been in the upper 80's/lower 90's for about a month now. Not very common for Colorado Springs. I think it's going to get down to 58 degrees tonight. Woo-hoo!!! We have the air off!!!

Our friend, and Fletch's guitar student, Chris has been back yet again working on our theatre room. He is such a trooper ... even though he HATES working with materials involved in building a wall!!! We plan on blessing him and his wife (who is an ex-coworker of Melissa's from Ellicott School District) with a fun evening out.

We are planning our fall getaway. We plan on flying out to Las Vegas then driving to California for some guitar shopping, whale show watching and beach picnicking vacation time. :) When we return, we plan on having TONS O' VISITORS come see our new home. If you are planning on visiting, let us know SOON because we will have Fletch's mentor and his wife and son staying with us at that time as well. We have plenty of room ... or our neighbor/friend (the Olympic athlete) could put guests up as well.

Enough rambling for tonight. I need to make some macaroni and cheese for dinner. Fletch is at rehearsal for our church's Concert of Praise tomorrow night. Included is a picture of the worship team on Mother's Day. I will try to remember to take the camera and get a better picture tomorrow night!