Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hello? Is anybody reading this???

My blog for the evening is my thoughts on whether or not anyone is reading these blogs. If you are, please send a comment so I know you're out there! ;)

In the meantime, enjoy a photo of the next stage of the theatre room, one of our guest bedrooms and a very cute picture of the boys!


Fr. Aaron Orear said...

I read! I read!

Lalenya said...

Hi guys! I read it too. It's nice to see photos of people you're still in contact with who I haven't seen in years. Your boys are beautiful.

David said...

Hey, Is Fletch there?! God Bless you brother. Hope you get this. Dave Barnes here.
My email is john_g_lake@yahoo.com.au
I still got your dorian yates video. Classic! Unfortunately I am a rake..Ah but it's all spirit for me now. (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, Praise God)